Thermodynamic Properties of Fluid


Thermodynamic Properties of Fluid Classified as follows

  1. The Reference Properties
  2. The Energy Properties
  3. The Derived Properties

The Reference Properties

  • Properties are used to defined the state of the system are called the reference properties.
  • The Reference Properties are allso known as Primary Properties
  • The Reference Properties have absolute values.
  • Pressure \((P)\), Volume \((V)\), Temperature \((T)\), Entropy \((S)\) are the primary properties or reference properties.
  • Pressure and Temperatue are Intensive Properties, and Volume and Entropy are Extensive Properties
  • The composition is also refered as primary property when we deal with the solutions.

The Energy Properties

  • Internal Energy\((U)\), Enthalpy\((H)\), Helmholtz Free Energy\((A)\), and Gibbs Free Energy\((G)\) are the energy properties.
  • All the energy poroperties are extensive properties.
  • All the energy poroperties can be evaluted with respect to some reference plane.
  • Why these properties are called as energy properties?
  • Changes in these properties indicate useful work under certain conditions, thats why they are called as energy properties.

The Derived Properties

  • The derived properties are the partial derivative of the reference properties or the energy properties.
  • Specific Heat \((C)\), Coefficient of Expansion \((\beta)\), Joule-Thomson Coefficient \((\mu)\) are the derived properties.

Fundamental Property Relations

\[dU= T dS - P dV --------- (1)\] \[dH = T dS + V dP --------- (2)\] \[dA = -S dT - P dV --------- (3)\] \[dG = -S dT + V dP --------- (4)\]

Derivation of Fundamental Property Relation

  • First law of thermodynamics for closed syatem.
  • \[dU = dQ - dW--------- (5)\]

    We know,

    \[dQ = T dS\] \[dW = P dV\]

    Put these values in equation no (5).

    We get,

    \[dU = TdS - PdV --------- (1)\]
  • As per the defination of Enthalpy,
  • \[H = U + PV --------- (6)\]

    Taking differential of equation no. (6)

    \[dH = dU + PdV + VdP --------- (7)\]

    Put value of \(dU\) form equation no. (1) to equation no (7).

    \[dH = TdS - PdV + PdV + VdP\] \[dH = TdS + VdP --------- (2)\]
  • As per the defination of Helmholtz free energy,
  • \[A = U - TS --------- (8)\]

    Taking differential of equation no. (8)

    \[dA = dU - TdS - SdT --------- (9)\]

    Put value of \(dU\) form equation no. (1) to equation no (9).

    \[dA = TdS - PdV - TdS - SdT\] \[dA = - SdT - PdV --------- (3)\]
  • As per the defination of Gibbs free energy,
  • \[G = H - TS --------- (10)\]

    Taking differential of equation no. (10)

    \[dG = dH - TdS - SdT --------- (9)\]

    Put value of \(dH\) form equation no. (2) to equation no (10).

    \[dG = TdS + VdP - TdS - SdT\] \[dA = - SdT + VdP --------- (4)\]

    Here, Energy Properties are functionally related to special pair of reference properties.

    \(S\) and \(V\) are the canonical variables (special variables) of internal energy \(U.\)

    \[U = f(S,V)\]

    \(S\) and \(P\) are the canonical variables (special variables) of enthalpy \(H.\)

    \[H = f(S,P)\]

    \(V\) and \(T\) are the canonical variables (special variables) of internal energy \(A.\)

    \[A = f(T,V)\]

    \(P\) and \(T\) are the canonical variables (special variables) of internal energy \(G.\)

    \[G = f(T,P)\]
Read Also:
Duhem’s Theorem
Basic Concepts of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Laws of Thermodynamics
Important Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering
Fundamentals of Heat Transfer
Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids
Hydrostatic Equilibrium

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