Helmholtz Free Energy and Gibbs Free Energy


Helmholtz Free Energy and Gibbs Free Energy, definition and its derivation detailed explanation are given here.

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Helmholtz Free Energy (Work Function)

  • Helmholtz Free Energy is also known as Work Function.
  • It is denoted by, \(A.\)
  • It can be defined as
  • \[A=U-TS ------------ (1)\]


    \(U=\) Internal Energy of the system,
    \(T=\) Temperature of the system,
    \(S=\) Entropy of the system.

  • All the properties \(U, T \)and\( S\), which define Helmholtz free energy, are the state functions; therefore, Helmholtz free energy is also a state function.
  • Properties \(U\) and \(S\) are extensive properties, therefore Helmholtz's free energy is also an extensive property.
  • Let's consider an isothermal (temperature constant) reversible process.
  • The process occurs from state 1 to state 2.
  • In this process, change in Helmholtz free energy can be written as,
  • \[\Delta A = \Delta U - T\Delta S ----------- (2)\]

    There is no change in T because the process is isothermal.

  • For the reversible process, heat absorbed by the system is given by
  • \[Q_R = T\Delta S\]
  • Put this value in equation no. (2)
  • \[\Delta A = \Delta U - Q_R ----------- (3)\]
  • The first law of thermodynamics for closed system says,
  • \[\Delta U = Q - W ------------ (4)\]
  • Put the value of \(\Delta U\) from equation no (4) to equation no (3)
  • \[\Delta A = \cancel{Q} - W - \cancel{Q_R}\]

    Rearranging the equation

    \[W_R = - \Delta A --------------- (5)\]
  • The above equation shows the decrease in the work function for the reversible isothermal process.
  • As we know, reversible work is the maximum work done by any of the processes.
  • So here we can also say that maximum available work in an isothermal process is \(-\Delta A.\)

Gibbs Free Energy

  • It is denoted by, \(G.\)
  • It can be defined as
  • \[G=H-TS ------------ (6)\]
  • Gibbs's free energy is also an extensive property.
  • Gibbs's free energy is useful in the study of phase equilibria and chemical reaction equilibrium.
  • As per the definition of enthalpy,
  • $$H=U+PV$$
  • Put this value of \(H\) in equation no (6)
  • $$G=U+PV-TS$$
  • From equation (1), we can write,
  • $$G=A+PV-----------(7)$$
  • Let's take a reversible process at constant pressure and temperature.
  • Changes take place in the process from state 1 to state 2.
  • Gibbs free energy change can be given by,
  • $$\Delta G=\Delta A+\Delta (PV)-----------(8)$$
  • From the equation of work function, we know \(\Delta A = - W_R,\) for reversible isothermal process, and \((\Delta PV)\) can be written as \(P \Delta V\) for the constant pressure process.
  • $$\Delta G=- W_R+P\Delta V$$

    Rearranging this equation,

    $$-\Delta G=W_R-P\Delta V$$


    • \(P\Delta V\) represents expansion work
    • \(W_R\) represents total work (expansion work plus other work)
    • So, here Gibbs free energy represents maximum work available other than expansion work.
  • So maximum 'net work' represented by \(W_R^{'}\) can be given by,
  • \[W^{'}_R =-\Delta G\]
  • Here we can conclude that the change in Gibbs free energy gives the value of net useful work; it does not include the energy utilized in expansion work.
  • So that is why it is called free energy.
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